Mouk and Chavapa are in Brazil. They help their friend Miguel to find his sheets of music so he can play clarinet with his Uncle Sergio, a great bossa nova musician.
Mouk and Chavapa are in Hong Kong. Chavapa is really excited because there will be a Kung Fu demonstration later on today. Mouk and Chavapa meet Bao, a nice boy who has a well-trained bird, Nim. Unfortunately, Nîm gets scared and flies away. Mouk and Chavapa try their hardest to put Nim back in his cage, but it's not as easy as it sounds...
Mouk and Chavapa are in Madagascar. It's Christmas and so they have to call Popo and Mita. They have a "Challenge for best decoration". Before Mouk and Chavapa left for their trip, they'd agreed that they'd have to put up the best Christmas decorations, wherever they were in the world on the twenty fourth of December. But Chavapa is very upset because they don't really celebrate Christmas in Madagascar, and they don't have Christmas decorations... How are Mouk and Chavapa going to do to keep their promise?