In 'Pyramids Today,' Vincent and Kyu find themselves in an archeology magazine. Vincent learns to overcome his fear in a pyramid during a series of meetings with a mummy woken from his slumbers by mistake...
Vincent and Kyu enter a magazine about the paranormal. Taken to be extraterrestrials by a group of visionaries, they are forced to run away, chased by the 'men in black.' Vincent notices that he's a sort of 'visitor from another world' for Kyu, which seems absurd because he doesn't believe in the supernatural. However, in a magazine about the paranormal, everything becomes real: the Yeti, ghosts, and extraterrestrials. Vincent is obliged to question all his beliefs in order to escape the creatures chasing after him...
In 'Horses Today', Vincent and Kyu land in a horse-riding magazine. In order to leave the magazine, Vincent will have to win a riding contest...and overcome his fear of horses!