Vincent and Kyu arrive in a television magazine. Their different program tastes lead them into a sort of channel-changing rage, during which they are meet the heroes from a science fiction series and the characters on a sitcom, before they are separated. After wandering here and there, they are finally reunited and agree that their friendship goes far beyond their differences...
Vincent and Kyu find themselves in a 'kids' news magazine. But when they move from one page to the next (as they always do), a Flat journalist surprises them and tells the whole magazine of their presence. As a result, all the Flats start following Vincent and Kyu, raising the risk of following them through the rift into the real world. Vincent refuses to have the Flats leave the magazine world, leading Kyu to wonder why he's taking her along... Our heroes nevertheless manage to lead all the Flats to their proper pages and convince them to stay where they are...