There is a moment that belongs to magic, a sort of supertural state, when the alchemy works its spell and two people, in the end so different, become like one. A total fusion of their spirits and bodies, as if the eyes of the cameraman became the trick of the rider, so that they give us the impression, just for one second, that we are flying in the middle of their paradise. This is when the most beautiful images are captured, as an evidence of this perfect union. Magician of the first times, alchemist of the freeski film, PVS Company is offering, with their new freeski movie, a moment of pure visual happiness, a piece ofheaven, according to a secret recipe only them know about... As always, they are At Your Service...
Hugues Oyarzabal is one of the most colorful characters in surfing. Recently voted ‘GoPRO Surfer of the Year’ at the famous Surfer Poll Awards, one thing he is famous for is being able to film incredible first-person shots from inside the barrel at some of the best spots on the planet. Now for the fist time ever, Hugues films are available for TV as season 1 of Peace and Left. So grab your board, wax-up and get tubed like never before!
L'Alaska ne semble peut-être pas la destination idéale pour aller surfer. Mais pour Damien Castera, aventurier basque mais aussi auteur et surfeur, sa côte sauvage et accidentée offre la possibilité unique de fuir la civilisation et les plages encombrées de touristes tout en communiant avec la nature et en retournant aux vraies valeur de sa discipline de prédilection. Damien et un couple d'amis se sont embarqués pour un voyage de deux mois sur ces terres sauvages, à la recherche de vagues indomptées et d'une expérience de vie unique. Camper dans la forêt, pêcher pour se nourrir et repousser les ours et autres prédateurs des environs font partie de l'aventure !