Meet Brothers Factory, a crew of riders who are currently working on filming a street segment for the next Transworld international production. We spend a few days at Quebec’s best snowmobiling destination, Le Valinoët, to ride natural terrain where the snow is abundant. The locals share some of the best lines and snowboard legend David Aubry drops the biggest cliff.
Cette émission, intitulée la Réunion, c’est une trentaine de gars qui partagent la même passion au même endroit. Vous êtes assurés que la journée va lever et que les gros trucs vont sortir
The Burton Mountain Festival is stopping at the local hill. This grassroot initiative introduces young kids through the Riglet Park . Meanwhile, the ‘’Party in the Park’’ is where amateurs ride with the pros. Local poster boy, Zach Aller shows us how to shred one of the best snow parks in the country. Hang out with Laurie Gauvin for a girl session like you have never seen before.