El Roacho and Murphy are fighting as usual to capture Puck. Murphy manages to get Puck in a capsule, but it ends up slipping from his grasp and rolls to Ralph’s feet who quickly swallows him. El Roacho and Murphy want to retrieve the precious capsule from Ralph’s belly. But neither Murphy nor Ralph are big enough to face down Ralph. The two enemies decide to join forces and trap Ralph as a team.
Lilliputian astronauts land on the planet. Without even realizing it, Murphy “saves” these little astronauts from the clutches of an alien. The astronauts are so appreciative they cling to Murphy incessantly. They take him for some sort of God, build a statue in his honor and make all sorts of offerings… But far from being flattered by so much adulation, Murphy is irritated by these creatures who are constantly under his feet. So irate, he finally shoots at them! He quickly learns that he shouldn’t have done that. His devoted “fans” quickly turn on him and revolt!
Murphy and Clint are pursuing Puck when Clint lands on the planet. A stray bullet hits his ship which can no longer take off. Clint is beside himself and feeling desperate. As for Murphy, he has suddenly become “semi-transparent”. Murphy and Clint decide to join forces. Murphy will help Clint repair his space ship and Clint will find a chemical formula that will return Murphy to his normal self.