Français Arabe

Banat Sanawy


The story follows five teenage girls as they try to discover themselves but they face a lot of trouble and difficulties during high school.

Banat Sanawy

Balash Tebosny
Fajr is a famous temptation star, and the heroine of the first feature film of a young director. She rejects the kissing...
مشاهدة المزيد
Boltya EL Ayma
Baltia owns a small shop to sell food, when the investors try to take over the place to build new buildings, Baltia and ...
مشاهدة المزيد

Aroosa wa gooz ersan

Ashan Khargen


Aswar El Amar

Badal Faked


Balash Tebosny


Banat Sanawy


Boltya EL Ayma

Coming So Fast


El Kenz 2: Al-Hobb wa Al-Masee...






Elly Baly Balak

Esabet El-Doctor Omar


Fasel Wa Na‘oud


قد يعجبك أيضًا

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Rotana Cinema

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Rotana Khalijiah

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Rotana Kids

مباشر • ar

Rotana M+