Français Arabe

Qalb Ommoh


When Magdy is critically injured in a fight, the doctors struggle to save his life when he requires a heart transplant. But Younis' mother d...

Qalb Ommoh

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Qabl Zahmet Elsaif
In a tourist resort on the northern coast, Dr. Yahya decides to spend the holiday with his wife Magda before the coast g...
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Qarmat Bitamrmat
Qarmouti builds a graveyard for his ancestors, and makes it a paid tourists attraction; this causes him lots of problems...
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Raghda Motawahesha

Sab'e Alboromba


Sabahu Kadab

Saeat wans


Sameer Abu Elneel


Sania Wahda


Shantet Hamza



Taw'am Rouhy

Tayeh fi America


The Guest

The President's Chef


Tita Rahiba

Welad el 'Am


Ya Tahadi Ya Taadi


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