The story follows a simple family whose young son, Zeko, wins the opportunity to participate in a contest for Egypt's smartest child. As they set out to attend the contest, many paradoxes happen to them during the two-day trip
Galal (aka Mimi) leaves his father in Ismailia to seek life's riches in the capital. He works as a construction foreman when one day he saves Zeina, the daughter of a businessman, Farouk, from drowning in the villa next door. Mimi becomes Zeina's tutor and through business rivalry, Farouk is attacked and goes into a long coma. Mimi must now save Farouk's company with his beloved secretary, Mai.
A comedy about (Ramez Galal) who marries a girl interested in women's rights , which makes her too busy and lacks interest in her marital life and that leads him to marry another woman, and he gets into many problems, and comical paradoxes that turn his life into hell.