A new contemporary treatment of the play 'Romeo and Juliet', centered on the families of Zinati and Qasas, which have been hostile for years, until Karim Zinati falls in love with Salma Qasas.
In the forties, a girl gets raped by a group of English soldiers. One of the English soldiers is held at the Karmouz police station in the custody of General Youssef Al-Masry. When General Adams has his men besiege the police station to rescue his soldier, it's up to Youssef to hold him off.
A rich young man, Karkar, survives electrocution but is left brain-damaged. His uncle Assem seeks to con him into giving him his fortune, and so does his aunt Zahira. Together they form one front against Karkar and this is when the struggle between good and evil emerges.