Français Arabe

Al-Anissa Mamy


Nabila has only one persistent concern in her life: her job. One day she falls into a deep sleep on the plane and dreams she's married to Kh...

Al-Anissa Mamy

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Al Aref
The film tackles cybercrime through the story of Younis, a man who lives with his wife and their baby girl, as he decide...
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An old feud between Ali and Youssef leaves Youssef in jail in Egypt, and Ali emigrates to the Ukraine with his new wife ...
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A Criminal with Honors

Ahla El Awqaat


Ahmed Notre Dame

Aintabahuu 'ayuha al'azwaj


Akher aldonia


Al Aref


Al-Anissa Mamy






Ala Ganb Ya Osta

Alhilal yaksib



Aman Ya Sahabi


Aroosa wa gooz ersan


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